Local health and wellness coach, Laura Butler, has launched a new on-demand online hub to help businesses improve wellbeing in the workplace.
Laura is an accredited health and wellness coach who has 15 years experience in the health and wellness industry, having coached thousands of private and corporate clients worldwide. She has set the hub up to offer an affordable solution to businesses, to help their employees develop their sleeping, eating, self-care and mindfulness habits to improve overall wellbeing and motivation. The service will provide a mixture of content including webinars, blogs, videos, and two live monthly training sessions with accredited health and wellness coaches.
Laura says the hub has been set-up to help businesses look after their staff who need support more than ever following the pandemic. She said, “Employers now understand the importance of looking after their staff’s mental wellbeing, but they either don’t know where to find the right resources or they think that support will be costly and take staff out of the office for training. Our service is affordable – from as little as £10 per month, and it can be accessed at times to suit your business. We simply want to motivate and inspire teams by strengthening healthy behavior with our range of low-cost online tools.”
Last year 15.9 million days were lost to sickness absence in the UK due to stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health problems [i] and it is estimated that poor mental health among employees costs UK employers between £42bn – £45bn every year[ii].
Laura adds, “Following the challenges of the last year we all want to do more to support our wellbeing, but we aren’t always sure where to start. The Wellness Hub offers bite sized, accessible coaching that can be easily integrated in to your life to make consistent improvements – without being overwhelming. Taking care of our wellbeing isn’t a one off activity to tick a box; it is something we need to keep working on, to cultivate healthy habits around looking after ourselves.
“We believe that an investment in wellness will create a loyal, engaged and happy team, with reduced sick leave, and an increase in performance – there is so much to gain!”
The business has already secured a stream of partnerships, which includes Paycare, Shropshire Festivals and Zen Communications, as well as a Californian business. Laura has partnered with local start-up ‘techtimeout’ so any business that signs up to the hub has access their resources that help people have a healthier relationship with tech to aid productivity and happiness.
Any business that signs up to the hub before the end of June will also receive free tickets to the Wellbeing Festival, which is taking place in Shrewsbury on September 11, 2021.
For more information on signing up to The Wellness Hub visit www.wellbecoaching.co.uk/the-wellness-hub
[i] https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/datasets/sicknessabsenceinthelabourmarket
Pictured: Laura Butler.