Students at Moreton Hall are celebrating today with a fantastic year of A Level results. The results have again confounded press headlines and the 45% A* to A grades awarded show Moreton Hall students continuing to perform at the levels achieved last year and again outperforming the 2019 pre-covid results. 91% of students will now be packing their bags for their first choice of university, many of them to the most competitive Russell Group institutions.

Amongst the many success stories, Arabella Fellows and Ukrainian student Mariia Dmytryk who joined Moreton Sixth for their A Level studies are off to the University of Oxford to read English and the University of Leeds to study Economics, whilst Emma Barnes who joined Moreton Hall in Reception heads to Cardiff to study Law and Criminology with a full house of As and A*s grades. Flying in the face of reports that students now study a narrower selection of subjects, Holly Longfellow, who joined Moreton Hall in Year 1 and was the recipient of this year’s Karefa-Smart Trophy, the school’s highest award, achieved an impressive array of 4 A* and A grades across both STEM and Art subjects. After a year of Foundation Art studies at UAL, Holly hopes to move onto Medical school.

International student success stories include Ephelia Ziyue Hu and Helen Bohan Yang who both achieved a full house of A* grades: Ephelia will head to Edinburgh to read Computer Science and Helen to University College London to study Biochemistry.

With Moreton Hall’s Next Steps Careers team supporting each student in finding the right course for their individual interests and strengths, the diverse range of courses chosen this year include Psychology, Economics, Linguistics, Marine and Natural History Photography, Primary Education, Geophysics, Classics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and a range of Medical and Health Sciences.

Commenting on today’s success, Moreton Hall Principal Michael Brewer said: “These results are remarkable, as are the individual stories of success behind every grade. Outcomes like these are possible when independence of mind and spirit is nurtured, and complemented by hard work, talent, and determination. Moreton girls, their families, and all supporting staff, are rightly proud of what has been achieved here.”