Moreton Hall pupils and staff are celebrating today with the long awaited results’ envelopes revealing a bumper crop of GCSE results. With 45% grades awarded 8 to 9, and 24% of those at grade 9, the results showcase outstanding performances across all disciplines: STEM, Humanities, Languages and the Creative Arts. 99% of the grades awarded are at grade 4 and above, the all-important threshold for a pass, a third higher than the national average of 67%. There is all the more cause to praise these pupils given their experience of the Covid disruptions which started in their first year in Senior School in Year 7; they triumphed over all the effects of the pandemic thanks to their hard work and the dedication of their teachers to overcome the challenges which faced their cohort.

Amongst the plethora of outstanding performances are Isla Rothera who achieved a full house of grade 9s and international student Regina Lok Wun Lee, whose seven grade 9s include an impressive mix of STEM subjects as well as in English Literature. The Modern Foreign Languages department will be delighted with a full set of 8s and 9s in French and Chinese, as well as an A* for Welsh. With Moreton Hall home to The Holroyd Community Theatre, the full house of grade 9s awarded to this year’s GCSE Drama students is another cause for celebration.

As an academically inclusive environment with adding value to the performance of each pupil through a nurturing but aspirational education the school’s priority, these results will allow pupils to embark on an eclectic variety of pathways including both academic and creative subjects in their A Level choices.

Reflecting on today’s results Moreton Hall Principal Michael Brewer said: “Moreton Hall girls have once again achieved incredible GCSE results. There is so much here to celebrate, both individually and collectively. Our girls have been tenacious in their pursuit of grades that will support them in their future ambitions. Whilst the grades are indeed impressive, the journey taken to receiving today’s results envelope is what will set our Moretonians up for a wide range of success throughout their lives: diligence, determination, camaraderie and a positive outlook have been evident throughout; long may that continue to be the case”.