Thrill seekers are taking to the skies on a charity challenge that’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Daredevils are signing up for Hope House Wing Walk on 12th September, braving speeds of 140mph while strapped to the wing of plane. There are still spaces available for businesses, teams or individuals who want to experience the ride of their lives, while raising money to support local families.
Daring Johno Horlock, a vet from Leominster, will be joining the event where he will be going for a daring loop-the-loop, something only those who have flown before can do.
“I was desperate to do the loop at the last wing walk, but when we got in the air it was just too cloudy for the pilot to attempt it – so I’m back again!” he said.
Johno was part of the previous cohort of wing walkers for Hope House and Ty Gobaith and he raised an £2,485.
“I did the flight of course, but I know a lot of people wanted to see me do the loop-the-loop so I’m going to do it again.
“If anyone is thinking about signing up, please do, it’s such a unique and thrilling experience. I’d recommend it to anyone.”
Financial advisor Jack Fallows, from Shrewsbury, is also a proud member of the Hope House wing walking challenge alumni, urges anyone looking for an extreme challenge to sign up.
Jack, who took part in the wing walk last year, says that of all the charity challenges he’s faced, the wing walk was the most memorable.
He said: “I laughed through the whole experience, partly because of the adrenaline rush and also just from realising the enormity and ridiculousness of being literally strapped to the wing of a plane, flying at 140mph through the air.
“I’ve taken part in many fundraisers, including an abseil and extreme running and cycling challenges. In terms of experience and fundraising, the Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith wing walk absolutely tops everything.”
Jack raised more than £2,000 through generous friends, family and business contacts.
Fundraiser Dawn Ball says, “Thank you to Johno and Jack and all our past wing walking fundraisers. The wing walk is a truly remarkable experience. Supporters who have taken part, including myself, have said it’s like nothing else they’ve ever done before. After the initial fear, the elation you feel, and the wonderful atmosphere of camaraderie, are unique.
“We still have spaces available for business teams and individuals who would like to take to the skies and raise vital funds where every penny supports local children with life-threatening conditions and their families. I guarantee it’ll be the ride of your life!”
Sign up today at