The Hive invites you to their highly popular Street Festival. On Monday 27th May the road of Belmont will host live entertainment and family fun between 11am and 3pm.

Lead Programmes and Project Manager, Sarah Evans is planning a day that will appeal to all tastes. ‘This beloved event will really kickstart the summer on the streets of Shrewsbury.’

CEO Katie Jennings added, ’Anyone who has attended our street festivals know that we like to fill the day with lots of activity and creativity. We are proud to offer the town and our local community a diverse event that is open to everyone and free to attend.’

The Hive is a creative charity and venue based in Shrewsbury Town Centre running wellbeing projects across Shropshire, and Telford. This year’s Street Festival makes up just one of their free events and will feature live music, art and crafts activities, a light installation, games, circus skills, drumming, and family-friendly fun.

This is The Hive’s sixth street festival and will take place between 11am and 3pm on Bank Holiday Monday 27th May on Belmont, just a 2-minute walk from the Market Square, Shrewsbury. The Hive Street Festival is kindly funded with thanks to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for Community and Place, managed by Shropshire Council, and by Shropshire Visual Art Network (VAN).

If you would like to get involved, The Hive are asking people to volunteer to help make this event one to remember. Are you good at stewarding? Or maybe you would like to help with general festival set up?  Please get in touch by calling 01743 234 970 or email

For further marketing enquiries about The Hive or their Street Festival please contact Vicki Duckett-Snape by emailing